Charlotte's Story: Infertility, IVF, and Helping Others

Twelve years ago, I was struggling to conceive my first child. I’d spent most of my adult life trying not to get pregnant, so when we wanted a baby I (naively) assumed that it would happen straight away, or at least whilst we were still having fun trying.

Charlotte Grand The Fertility Kitchen

Charlotte's Story: Infertility, IVF, and Helping Others

I had a textbook menstrual cycle, and we were both young, fit and healthy. On paper it should have happened easily for us. Fast forward three long years and we were embarking on IVF after receiving a diagnosis of unexplained infertility. This wasn’t how I’d envisaged conceiving our baby.

I’d seen countless friends get pregnant with what felt like lightning speed. Undoubtedly the hardest part of infertility was watching friends welcome their second baby into the world whilst we were still trying for our first. I felt so sad and lived with a deep sense of longing. This spurred me into action, and I became determined to learn how to nourish my body in order to give us the best chance of conception.

My fertility journey spanned 5 years.

During that time, I underwent three fresh cycles and one frozen cycle of IVF through which my sons were conceived. It was a rollercoaster of emotion, and it was far from easy. But now I feel thankful for infertility, as not only did it guide me on a path to better health, but it also led me to my calling. It has enabled me to find purpose and I can now give back to the infertility community and hopefully make others’ journeys that little bit easier.

Rewinding to the early years of baby making, I sought acupuncture (a rite of passage when trying to conceive?!) to help with the stress of it all. For me the effects were profound, and I began to research Chinese medicine. I loved it; the approach to healing resonated and I wanted more. So, cutting a long story short, I left my job in the fashion world to retrain in acupuncture. I’ve never looked back.

After my first pregnancy, my interest in health and wellness increased.

I have always been a foodie with a great passion for cooking (and eating!), so naturally I began to look at how I could support my fertility through diet. The truth is there just enough resources out there and so I began to create my own recipes, tailoring them to support fertility. Over time I completely overhauled my diet and was continually astounded by the medicinal effects of eating well. After my second son was born, I headed back to college again, this time to study nutrition.

One morning during the early hours I lay half awake, pondering my journey and everything I had discovered. The information I found when I was trying to conceive was lacking and I couldn’t find practical advice that I could action easily. Experiencing infertility is tough enough, without the additional worry of what you should be eating and whether you are following the right advice. I thought about how I could draw on my personal and professional experience to educate and empower others. I wanted to provide the resources that I couldn’t find and create community for women on their path to motherhood. I had a light bulb moment, and The Fertility Kitchen was born.


Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.

Charlotte Grand

Charlotte Grand, DipION, BSc Hons, mBANT is a qualified and registered Nutritional Therapist trained in functional medicine. Charlotte specializes in fertility and preconception care and her approach focuses on root cause, individualized nutrition and optimal health to give her clients the best chance of conception. As well as working with clients one-to-one, she creates and shares recipes, tailoring them to support fertility and IVF. Charlotte founded The Fertility Kitchen as a resource to empower women to optimize their fertility through nutrition. She believes that good food is the key to laying down the foundations for optimal fertility, IVF success and healthy pregnancy.

Charlotte works with a diverse range of clients from those looking to optimize their preconception wellbeing, to helping clients with fertility issues, such as unexplained infertility, recurrent pregnancy loss, male factor infertility, immune and thyroid dysfunction, endometriosis and PCOS, to supporting those navigating assisted conception.

Charlotte is currently writing a fertility nutrition and lifestyle cookbook designed to inspire and empower women throughout their fertility journeys.

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