Fertility Treatment Optimized for Low Ovarian Reserve: the “Dual Stim”

The Dual Stim protocol is an innovative approach designed to enhance outcomes for patients experiencing low ovarian response to hormonal stimulation.

Fertility Treatment Optimized for Low Ovarian Reserve: the “Dual Stim”

Disclaimer: This article is sponsored by Vida Fertility

Fertility Treatment Optimized for Low Ovarian Reserve: the “Dual Stim”

Understanding the urgency to address fertility issues, assisted reproduction centers like Vida Fertility in Madrid – Spain - are adopting this method to provide prompt and effective solutions. Dr. Elena Santiago, a renowned gynecologist and fertility expert at Vida Fertility, shares valuable insights on how the Dual Stim protocol can significantly aid patients with diminished ovarian activity: 

Understanding the Dual Stim Protocol 

The Dual Stim protocol is a tailored ovarian stimulation strategy for women undergoing Egg freezing and IVF treatments who have shown a low response to hormonal stimulation. Its defining feature is that it incorporates two consecutive stimulation phases within one menstrual cycle, thus eliminating the waiting period typically associated between cycles. The protocol begins with a standard stimulation during the follicular phase followed by a second stimulation in the luteal phase, initiated five days after the first egg retrieval. 

Dual Stim: who is it for? 

Originally developed for oncology patients needing to expedite fertility preservation before commencing chemotherapy, the Dual Stim protocol has proven beneficial for patients categorized as Poor Ovarian Responders (POR) due to their low ovarian reserve. These individuals often represent about 10.3% of women undergoing controlled ovarian stimulation, as defined by the ESHRE in Bologna, 2011. The goal of Dual Stim is to maximize the number of eggs retrieved per cycle, particularly advantageous for those requiring Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-A) to identify euploid embryos. 

“It's also the preferred IVF and Egg freezing option for our patients from the US and Canada, adds Dr Santiago. They usually stay in Madrid for the entire stimulation for economic reasons, and they prefer to stay a few more days and have the number of oocytes of two cycles within the same trip”. 

Advantages Over Conventional Ovarian Stimulation Protocols 

The primary distinction of the Dual Stim protocol from traditional methods is its timing. The initial phase aligns with classic follicular stimulation, followed by a secondary phase initiated shortly after the first, typically with a five-day rest interval as preferred at Vida Fertility. This subsequent phase often extends an additional 1-2 days and concludes with a second retrieval, offering another chance at oocyte collection approximately two weeks later. 

Potential Side Effects 

Patients undergoing the Dual Stim protocol may encounter side effects similar to those experienced during standard ovarian stimulation, including: 

  • Mood changes. 

  • Abdominal discomfort. 

  • Fluid retention. 

  • Sensation of abdominal bloating. 

The effects can be more noticeable during the second stimulation phase, though this depends on women. It’s important to note that as this protocol targets those with a low ovarian response, the symptoms are generally less severe due to reduced ovarian activity. 

Effectiveness of the Dual Stim Protocol 

Studies indicate that the Dual Stim protocol can improve the chances of successful egg retrieval in patients with low ovarian reserve, offering a better outcome than traditional follicular phase stimulation alone. This method does not significantly alter the duration of stimulation or increase the rate of cycle cancellations, making it a promising option for enhancing fertility treatment outcomes. 

If you want to know more about Dual Stim and if this treatment is right for you, contact Vida Fertility here

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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