We Are Warriors: Journey Through IVF, OHSS, and Pregnancy Loss

My IVF journey started almost one year ago to the day. I was referred quickly after a long wait of many tests and different treatments which didn’t work. I felt excited, but it also felt so surreal, that I was actually having to go through this journey and what I was about to face. I had no idea how hard the journey would be, and still is.


Everything was going well until it was time to take my injections ready for the egg collection. Due to having PCOS I have many follicles, and the injections they gave me were suitable to support this to prevent me from developing Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome (OHSS). Unfortunately the trigger injection had expired 3 weeks before I was due to use it, and there were no more available in time, therefore they had to change the trigger injection.

On the day of my egg collection, I was given sedation, however I could still feel everything and was drifting in and out of sleep, but I found it all very traumatic and painful because my ovaries were so full and was starting to develop OHSS. Luckily, they collected a massive 20 eggs, and once fertilised with the sperm, 12 of them became good quality blastocysts to freeze!! Because of me developing OHSS I wasn’t able to have a fresh embryo transfer, so all 12 needed freezing. My OHSS became worse, I was hospitalized for 9 days and developed health conditions from this (luckily I’m okay now!).

Once I had recovered and had a cheeky holiday, the frozen embryo transfer was carried out. I can’t believe how simple and easy this was and it really made things better after a rubbish couple of months. Unfortunately the embryo didn’t stick, and my first round was unsuccessful! This was really hard on my mental health, but fortunately thanks to having amazing people around me and having counselling, I was quick to pull myself together and determined to try again straight away.

The second transfer was carried out just after Christmas, and this time was successful!! Yay, I was finally pregnant after all these years of trying, I couldn’t believe it!! But my bad luck struck again, and I had a chemical pregnancy! At 4 weeks and 5 days, it was confirmed I had an early miscarriage. I am now waiting to see what happens next and when I can try again.

I want people to know the reality of how hard IVF can be, and why we are warriors for going through this, but to also know that this doesn’t happen to everyone and everyone’s journey will be different. I know friends and family that have also been through IVF and have had an easier journey, and finally got their rainbow baby.

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The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


What to Expect for an Embryo Transfer


Is It Better to Transfer Fresh or Frozen Embryos in IVF?