Infertile and Me: Monique's Story

My name is Monique, I am a stay-at-home mom & wife in Maryland. My husband and I were married for two years before we sought the help of a reproductive endocrinologist. At the time of the first treatment in 2012, I was 29 years old and the IUI cycle was unsuccessful. We had never fallen pregnant on our own and I had never been pregnant in my entire life.

Infertility and Me Podcast Monique

Four years later after tussling with the decision to consult with a fertility specialist again, hubby and I concluded that it was time. Married for approximately five and a half years, I knew there was an explanation as to why my body was failing me. I had no problems with menstrual cycles; nothing appeared to be out of the ordinary. I was grieved at the thought of getting help for the one thing I felt my body should do naturally and with ease.

In spring of 2016, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and underwent a hysteroscopy to remove uterine polyps.

Our first natural-cycle IVF treatment in July was cancelled due to non-fertilization of my egg. The second cycle was in August. I recall us eating at one of our favorite restaurants before the egg retrieval day. The alarm on my phone went off reminding me to administer my Lupron shot. I stopped eating and made haste to the restroom. I giggled to myself on the way thinking about what we are willing to do when the desire is strong. This cycle was a success, and I gave birth January of 2017.

For the couples currently experiencing infertility/IVF treatment, I know firsthand your frustrations, tears, and the loneliness you feel.

I had one family member that I could relate to during our journey; it wasn’t enough. No one knew how to comfort me, so they listened. Because I am a woman of color, I felt more isolated; it’s still taboo in my community. I felt shame at my RE’s office too and everyone was there for the same reason as us lol. Everywhere I went in public and when I logged onto Facebook there were expectant couples.

Once my husband and I submitted to the infertility and IVF journey, we were able to connect on a deeper level and move forward. We vowed to get through it together and without resentments. Infertility is an emotional and arduous battle. No matter the outcome, there is an abundance of peace that enters your life when you accept and surrender to the process.

- Monique

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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