Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

The holidays can cause an overwhelming mix of emotions – with family dynamics and relationship struggles, it can create an environment open to inappropriate comments and opinions. This season can be a magical time filled with joyful décor, hallmark movies, and social gatherings, but on the other hand, it can be filled with events that feel dreadful. If you’re struggling this holiday season, know that you’re not alone.

Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

Setting Boundaries During the Holidays

It took me a while to feel comfortable enough to decline going to certain events. I always worried about hurting someone’s feelings and was easily pushed into things I would’ve been happier otherwise declining. Over the years I realized I wasn’t doing myself any favors by saying yes to everything and not setting boundaries. Instead, I was jeopardizing my own happiness and mental well-being to make other people happy. The holidays became a very stressful occasion, and after several years of feeling anxious months prior to the holidays even starting, I began to ask myself why I do this to myself every year, and what could I be doing differently.

This year, try to get through the holiday season on a more positive note, by setting healthy boundaries.

  1. Decline events you don’t want to attend

    By either saying hard no’s or polite declines and refusing to do anything you hate. Whether your plan is to stay home instead or if you have another place you’re committed too, you don’t owe anyone an explanation!

  2. Excuse yourself from triggering situations or events

    It’s not up to you to make them feel comfortable. Being put into an uncomfortable situation is not OK.

  3. Leave when you want

    Don’t commit to staying for an entire event. Take back some control by having the option to arrive late and/or leave early.

  4. Stand your ground

    We all have those friends or family members who refuse to accept a polite refusal to attend their event. Learning to advocate for yourself is so important – no one should push you into something or make you feel guilty for saying no. Learn how to set boundaries and have others respect your limits. Do what’s healthiest for YOU.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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