National Advocacy Day: We Can All Make a Difference

Fertility Advocacy Day The IVF Warrior

National Advocacy Day

A day where patient advocates come together to fight for pro-family legislation. So many positive steps have been made in recent years including more companies offering fertility coverage and more people talking about fertility health, but so much work still needs to be done.

We still need better access to care, equal access, and more fertility coverage.

I asked how many of you have any type of fertility benefits and that number was only 37%. This means that 63% of you have to pay for every single test, medication, and procedure out of pocket - for a chance, not a guarantee at a family!

Many of you have voiced workplace concerns when it came to your journey to parenthood including lack of support from management, coworkers, and HR, which means more education needs to be happening in workspaces so that anyone struggling doesn't ever feel scared to lose their job or even scared to take time off for medical procedures.

So much more work needs to be done. So much change still needs to happen.

For those on their path to parenthood, here are some of my top tips for advocating for yourself at the doctor's office because an educated patient is an empowered patient.

  • Do your own research.

  • Bring a list of questions with you to your appointment.

  • Bring a support person with you.

  • Communicate your needs.

  • Get a second opinion.

Remember, no question is ever "silly". You have the right to ask any and all questions, say yes, say no, request another opinion, and communicate what you want. This is your health, your life, your journey.

If you want to become a fertility advocate, here are some great tips to get started.

Medical Disclaimer:

The information provided in this blog is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider or qualified medical professional with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in this blog.


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